Florida’s Environmental Challenges
Dedicated in the memory of Nathaniel Pryor Reed who spearheaded Trouble in Paradise.
Click here to read more about him »
With leadership from the late Nathaniel Pryor Reed, Trouble in Paradise is the work product of deeply concerned members of the Florida environmental community who wish to help elected officials and candidates for office better understand six major statewide environmental issues impacting Florida’s natural resources and our residents’ quality of life. Reflecting that ‘one size does not fit all’ this report also identifies four of Florida’s many resource areas meriting specialized treatment.
Every candidate for statewide office, the Legislature, and Congress should be aware of these major environmental issues and be willing to respond with decisive action.
It is the collective hope of 1000 Friends of Florida, Apalachicola Riverkeeper, Defenders of Wildlife, Florida Defenders of the Environment, Florida Springs Council, Florida Springs Institute, Florida Wildlife Corridor, Florida Wildlife Federation and League of Women Voters of Florida that Trouble in Paradise inspires and educates current and incoming leaders, providing valuable guidance on how to address Florida’s very serious and growing environmental crises.
Now more than ever, Florida needs strong, bold, and decisive leaders. Leaders with vision and dedication. Leaders with the best interests of Florida at heart. Our quality of life and Florida’s very economy depend on it.
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